About TICA
Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) is a department under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand. We are the national focal point for international development cooperation with development partners and other developing countries around the world. We work with both developed and developing countries, international organizations and a wide range of partners from different sectors of society such as universities and civil society.

TICA’s mission is to promote sustainable socio-economic development through sharing of knowledge and best practices. Our guiding principles now are Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) and, of course, the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In implementing our projects, these two concepts are incorporated into our work.
Various forms & modalities cooperation
- Capacity building programme
- Dispatching experts and/or overseas volunteers (Friends from Thailand) to work with local partners in many countries
- Attaches great importance to human resources development cooperation

We offer almost 1,000 short-term training and postgraduate scholarships every year
to participants from developing and less developed partners through the Thailand International Postgraduate Program (TIPP) and the Annual International Training Course (AITC) which are open to applicants from both the government and private sectors nominated by their governments. In addition, more training and scholarship opportunities are available through our bilateral and triangular frameworks with our development partners.
About Human Resources Development Cooperation Division (HRD)

- short-term training programmes under Annual International Training Courses (AITC)
- postgraduate scholarships under Thailand International Postgraduate Programmes (TIPP)
- training and scholarship opportunities under our trilateral cooperation programmes

Alumni Testimonials
Participants’ experiences through the courses