Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), in cooperation with the School of Cosmetic Science, Mae Fah Luang University, organized an international training course on “Advanced in Beauty Technology: Thai Spa and Aesthetic Product” during 1 – 18 June 2022 via an online platform. Participants who attend the course not less than 80% and received an E-certificate were 5 participants from 4 countries (Ecuador, Suriname, Myanmar and Timor – Leste). Organized under TICA’s Annual International Training Course or AITC framework, this course aims to share knowledge on Thai spa, aesthetic products, and how to drive innovation in this sector to exchange experiences on proven strategies for success from Thai spa experts. The course also provide gain a basic understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the skin and olfactory systems, anti-ageing and antioxidant principles and herbs for health and aesthetics.