Annual International Training Course (AITC)

Annual International Training Course (AITC) was initiated in 1991 as a framework for providing short-term training course. We provide 30–35 courses every year. It focused on topics of our expertise which can be categorized under five themes+1, namely Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP), Public Health, Climate Change and Environmental Issues, Agriculture and Food Security, Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model and Others (SDGs). It offers not only a training experience but also a platform for exchanging ideas and establishing professional networks among participants from across the world.

Bilateral Short-term Training Courses

Bilateral Short-term Training Courses under bilateral cooperation programmes provide short-term training courses in crucial areas such as education, health and agriculture, etc. This programme was primarily focused on our neighbouring countries, that are Lao PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar but has been expanded to other developing countries such as Bangladesh and Bhutan, Timor-Leste, Sri Lanka, South-Pacific countries and numerous African countries.

Application Form

Trilateral Short-term Training Courses

Trilateral Short-Term Training Courses provide Ph.D. scholarships for doctoral students from third countries supported by TICA and its partners, for example, Joint Fellowship Programme for Doctoral Studies under Thai–Swedish trilateral cooperation.
Third Country Training Programme (TCTP)
Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) is one of the trilateral cooperation programmes undertaken by TICA and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) based on the equally cost–sharing basis. It provides participants from other developing countries with a technical training programme in collaboration with a Southern partner (third country) for the purpose of transferring or sharing development experiences, knowledge and technology.

Training Courses under Regional Frameworks

Frame 15167

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