The Next Normal with Sustainable Community-based Eco-tourism Development under 4P model 2022

Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), in cooperation with the Academic Service Centre, Burapha University, organized an international training course on “The Next Normal with Sustainable Community-based Eco-tourism Development under 4P model 2022” during 2 -16 May 2022 via an online platform. Participants who attend the course not less than 80% and received an E-certificate were 27 participants from 10 countries (Bhutan, Cambodia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Mauritius, Myanmar, Oman and Sri Lanka). Organized under TICA’s Annual International Training Course or AITC framework, this course aims to share Thailand’s experiences in the application of Community-based Eco-tourism or CBET for sustainable development, the concept of CBET, how it has been applied in Thailand in different cases, impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic and the future trend of CBET in the post-COVID-19 era.